Offer rooms and shared housing for rent safely and intelligently.

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Why advertise on Placy?

Be safe

Have confidence when renting to trustworthy people with our Secure Reservation.

Rent Smartly

We find the people who best match your space and the rules you define.

Be part of our Community

We are building a community of roommates looking for shared housing. Be part of it.

How does listing and secure booking work on Placy?

Create your ads with all the details

Completely describe your available space. Take good photos of the entire property, bedroom and living spaces. The more details your ad has, the more likely you are to rent to the ideal person.

Trade using our secure chat

Through Placy's Chat you can arrange all the details to rent your space. Negotiate from start to finish on our platform, and rent safely using our Secure Booking.

Rent safely

Receive your first rental securely through Placy, with no fees!

In addition to connecting your ad with the right people, we guarantee the receipt of your first rental through Secure Reservation.

Have full control

You will have full control over your listings and rooms offered.

Define the dates when the rooms will be available, see compatible people who are looking for housing, their reservations and other metrics that will help you control your ad.

Secure Reservation

Click to learn more

No fees for advertisers
Payment guarantee
Tenant Profile Verification

Ready to create your ad?

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Interaction with roommates is immediate.
I rented it the first week I advertised. I highly recommend it!"

Fátima - PlayStore

Common questions

Through Placy, you can advertise rooms for rent in different types of housing: shared apartments, boarding houses, student residences, colivings and others. Fill in all the location details and rental conditions to publish your ad on Placy.
When you make an agreement with someone to rent a room at Placy, simply ask that person to make a reservation by paying the first rental price through Placy. You receive payment 24 hours after the move is confirmed. We also check your tenant's profile, so you can be sure you're dealing with a trustworthy person.
When you rent a room using Placy's secure booking, you receive a profile check of your future tenant. This way, you can receive this person knowing that they are someone you trust.
You can advertise rooms for rent for free through Placy. That's right. To obtain better results, you can subscribe to a Premium subscription, which will improve the visibility of your ad, helping you to receive more contacts from interested people.